• brick2 Welcome!





     Hello, I am Mrs. Tracy Brumley and I would like to welcome you to my web page.  I am a proud to be a business teacher at Hobart High School.  I am also the Assistant Director and Choreographer for the theatre program here at HHS, and I participate in the handbook committee, the RtI committee, the Hall of Scholars committee, Genesisus Players, and TeamLEAD.  I currently teach Personal Finance, Business Foundations, Business Math, and Honors' Senior Gifted and Talented. 
    I am married to Mr. Jonathon Brumley, a Hobart High School math and physics teacher, and we have two children, Ailey and Cade.
    You can contact by e-mail at tbrumleyclass@hobart.k12.in.us or leave me a voicemail at extension 8157.



Last Modified on July 26, 2011