• Rally For A Cause

    It is no surprise that our Brickies are hard working students, constantly working harder and wanting to be better and reach higher. This is one small reason why at the end of every school year we have a 'Rally For A Cause'!  As a school system we like to take this time to recognize the outstanding individuals and groups that went above and beyond through out the year to positively affect others. We bring together the students at each school and celebrate the accomplishments that were made during the school year with regards to Rachel's Challenge and the legacy of kindness and compassion. Groups and Clubs get honored for the impact that they made in the school, community and even the world. Individuals get honored for their kindheartedness and care that they extend to everyone around them. And the schools get reminded that "people will never know how far a little kindness can go".  (Rachel Scott) 
    Joan Martin Elementary put together a Kindenss Video and one of their 5th grade students, Katie Stroh wrote a poem! Check them both out as well as the pictures below! 

    2015 Rally Pictures