• Hall of Scholars

    HOBART | They come from all over Hobart. They are the few, the proud, the winners of this year's Hobart Hall of Scholars honors.

                The Hall of Scholars is a special awards dinner held each year that highlights the 15 top-ranked students from Hobart High School.

                "It's become a kind of coveted award," said Jacalyn Rogers, an honors math instructor at Hobart High School.

                The ceremony this year will begin at 6 p.m. Friday at the Paragon's Ambassador Room.

                Each of the top 15 academically ranked students is permitted to invite their parents and an educator that they consider influential in their life. The student then gives a speech talking about their experiences at Hobart High School.

                Rogers said that past guests have included coaches, administrators and even teachers from as far back as kindergarten.

                The Hall of Scholars is sponsored by the Hobart Education Foundation, a nonprofit group that raises money for a variety of projects related to education in the Hobart community.

                Fran Hamilton, president of the HEF, said the foundation has undertaken a variety of projects over the years, including grants for teachers, mentorship programs, parent education and workshops for grandparents who are raising their grandchildren.

    Click here for event photos.