Every Friday in my classroom reading logs due.

    The purpose of a reading log is to make sure that students are keeping track of how much they are reading. They are designed as a tool for teachers, parents, and students to determine if students are reading at an appropriate pace. Students are expected to read for a total
    3 hours per week.
    This can include reading done in the classroom, or at home. Any extra time is greatly encouraged. These logs will be graded weekly and be worth a total of 22 POINTS. Reading Logs MUST be signed, have the jots filled out, questions answered, and be properly FILLED out. If any of these items are incomplete, points will be deducted from the total value.
    Reading Log Checklist
    •  #3 hours of reading complete
    • Hours Properly logged on the front side of log
    • Parent Signature on the Front of log
    • Jots answered for every day of the week
    • Reading Question of the week completed on the back of log