What is Learn 360?
The Learn360 Video streaming service was designed specifically for schools to enhance the learning experience of students. Learn360 uses the latest technologies to deliver the highest quality K-12 content via the Internet, including delivery by LAN or WAN networks for school districts.
Learn360 allows teachers and students to stream and download thousands of videos, video clips, audio files (MP3), images, vocabulary resources, speeches, newsreels, and other digital media for the K-12 classroom. Access is available from school or home and all content is searchable by keyword, subject area, state standard, media type and more. Video files are available in Windows Media, QuickTime, and Flash and are they encoded at rates that look sharp at full screen. Encyclopedia Britannica articles are included within Learn360.
You can quickly select the perfect media to support rich, unforgettable lessons across the curriculum to actively engage students.
Also, add your own content or choose from thousands of teachers' favorite resources from the most trusted and award-winning educational content partners including:
A&E The History Channel A&E Classroom The Biography Channel National Geographic Arthur PBS Between the Lions Media 4 Math Encyclopedia Britannica
Login Information
Elementary Students: Will use their ID number for the login and no password.
Middle School and High School Students: Will use their ID number for the login and PIN number for the password.
Guides to Using Learn360