• Paul Revere's Ride is our warning we issue to a student who is having a hard time following our Block rules.  Just like Paul Revere warned the colonist of the impending problem.  This form is our way of warning parents of their child's behavior before they get detention. 
    Name: ___________________________           Date: ___________________

    Your student has the following three infractions this week.  If he/she receives another check this week, he/she will receive a block detention.


    ____ disrespect
    ____ out of seat
    ____ talking
    ____ off task
    ____ nonverbal communication
    ____ horseplay


    ____ no pencil or no pen
    ____ no binder/ notebook
    ____ no textbook
    ____ no reading book
    ____ no agenda


    ____ homework unfinished/                not started

    ____ homework in locker
