• Hello ! Welcome to Ms. Hamady's Class!

    Block name:  The Investigators
    Phone number: (219) 942-8541  x8352

    If you need help or have questions, please make sure to contact me as soon as possible.  I am available before or after school, or during the day by appointment only.


    Supplies and Materials: 

    Make sure you bring your materials to class every day.  They include a textbook, spiral notebook, folder and a pencil.  If you have a calculator, please keep it at home until I tell you to bring it to class.



    Homework is due the day after it is assigned.  If you do not have it when I collect it, you will have to sign the clipboard for Gator Club.  Too many incomplete assignments will result in a conference with your block teachers.


    If you are absent, please turn in any missing assignments upon your return to school.


Last Modified on February 7, 2007