Important Information for First Grade
Monthly Calendar
At the beginning of the month your child will receive a calendar from the office containing important information/breakfast and lunch menus. Attached to each will be a book order form from Scholastic Book Company.
Weekly Homework Packet
A newsletter will be attached to the weekly homework explaining what the homework is and important information going on during the week. The spelling words are also listed on the cover page. Homework is due back by the end of the week.
Student Planner
Each student is required to have a student planner. The planner must be at school each and everyday! Please purchases it at the office. The planner will stay inside your child's white binder. The following are items that will be recorded in the agenda.
Behavior Color = Your child will color the date.
Brickie Book Reading Homework =Last writing line next to date number Monday - Thursday; Write the book title. Brickie Book reading is not assigned over the weekend.
Parent/Teacher Colored Comment Box = Place for teacher or parent to communicate important information. Please initial every night to verify that reading was complete and you are aware of your child's behavior for that day.
Parents can go to the Hobart website to check their child's grades. You will receive the log-in information. I will update and enter grades for Skyward at least once a week.
Contact Information for Mrs. Spicer
Best times to contact me...
8:05 – 8:40 M – F
3:35 – 3:50 M - F
Teachers are available to be contacted during specials' times. Refer to the special schedule.
School Phone (219) 942 – 5614
School Website www.hobart.k12.in.us/
Email Address spicerclass@hobart.k12.in.us