• Mr. Frankowski

    6th Grade Language Arts and Social Studies


    Classroom Procedures

    • Be prepared- Always bring materials needed for class. A list of what is needed for class is always on the board outside my room. (Textbooks, pencils, pens, etc.)
    • Be on time- Students need to be inside the classroom ready when the bell rings. Failure to do so will result in being marked tardy. (See HMS Tardy Policies-Handbook)
    • Be considerate- Listen when others are speaking, do not get out of seat during instruction time, raise hand for questions, do not interrupt, use common sense. Being courteous to one another everyday will go a long way in building a better learning community.
    • Be respectful- Make sure to respect yourself, others, and property.


    Policy for Grading and Homework

    • Grades will be calculated on a point system.
    • Late work will receive half the earned credit.
    • Students are responsible for work missed because of an absence.
    • Please check your child’s grade regularly on Harmony.

    Reading Logs

    • Students are expected to read for a total of 3 hours a week. They are to chart this progress each week on the reading log, and fill out the jots portion of the log on the backside. Thursday night parents are required to sign the reading log to verify their child’s reading times. Reading logs are valued at 22 points. This weekly assignment is a large portion of the child’s grade.


    • Positive- Students who meet and exceed the basic expectations will be rewarded with positive comments, parent notes, parent phone calls, and experiences.
    • Negative- Students who fail to meet basic expectations will face consequences related to the behavior.


    6th grade is a big change for many students. Please make sure to monitor your child’s progress on a regular basis. It is crucial at this time of their lives that they have support from home. Regular conversation and discussion with your child about school will go a long way in building a path for their success.


    If you ever have any questions please feel free to contact me.


    Mr. Frankowski

    Email: frankowskiclass@hobart.k12.in.us

    Phone:  942-8541 EXT. 8354