By Roland Smith

    Table of Contents



    Draw a picture of what you think of when someone says Africa.



    1           List of African things

    2            Roland Smith (Personal + Things he wrote)

    3-4                 Life Lessons List lessons taught Jake in the order they first appear.

                Exact quote Page # in book Person who taught lesson

    5            Draw Amulet and explain its importance

    6            Draw Kachina and explain its importance

    7            Vocabulary Swahili (definition and page #)

    8            Vocabulary English (definition)

    9-10            Themes -- Give 2 examples of each and explain)

                a. Survival

                b. Death

                c. Friendship

                d. Family

                e. Trust

                f. Perseverance


    Story Elements


    11-14       Characters (Describe include appearance, personality, heritage, relationship to others in story, behavior, change in character during the story, final character, etc.) Find a picture to represent each.

    11         a. Jake (1page)

    12         b. Mom (Beth) and Sam

    13         c. Dad (Robert Lansa)

    13         d. Taw

    14         e. Supeet

    15       Setting Describe these places as portrayed in the story. What did they look like?

      1. New York (1/4 page)
      2. Africa (3/4 page)

    16-17   Plot (Use diagram or write out)

                a. Exposition (paragraph)

                b. Rising action (20 events)

                c. Climax (paragraph)

                d. Falling action (2-5 events)

                e. Resolution (paragraph)

    18            Conflicts (1 example of each)

    a.      Man vs. man

    b.     Man vs. society

    c.      Man vs. himself

    d.      Man vs. nature

    e.      Man vs. fate (God)

    19         Point of View (Paragraph that addresses each section)

                First Person Point of View

    a.      From whose point of view is the story told

    b.     Why was the story told from this persons point of view?

    c.      How would the story have been different if told by someone else?

    20            Tone/Mood (paragraph)

           What kind of mood (overall) does the story seem to have?

    21            Theme moral + life lessons

                (3-5 Paragraphs use some of life lessons)





    Each day write down a five to ten sentence summary of what happened that day. (New sheet each day)


    1.       At the top of the page, put a date and page numbers read.

    2.     Write down any thoughts or questions you have as you read.

    3.     Write a five to ten sentence summary of what happened that day




    Picture of Africa

Last Modified on May 11, 2014