• Questions About Fifth Grade
    How much homework should a child expect in fifth grade?
    The students will have approximately 40-50 minutes of homework nightly. They will  have math homework each evening.  Vocabulary and spelling tests are given every Friday.  Students also have an English lesson nightly. The students should review their science and social studies study guide nightly to prepare for the unit tests given every 3 weeks. On some nights they may have an additional assignment in science or social studies.  
    What is a Friday Folder?
    Each week your child's papers will be collected and placed in a folder that will be sent home on Friday. Also included, is a newsletter about upcoming events.  Please look through them, sign, and return on Monday.
    How can I help my child this year?
    Fifth grade students still need guidance and help with forming good work habits.  Students have assignment notebooks and they should be filled out nightly so you are both aware of your child's responsibilities at night.  Please encourage your child to read or you may even read with your child nightly.  Math time is given in class however, the children need to take it home. Have your child show you their math assignment and even how to do some of the problems.  The most important thing is COMMUNICATION.  If you ever have a problem, concern, or question please call me or jot me a note. 
    Together, we can make your child's last year at Liberty a great one!
Last Modified on August 19, 2016