• Supply List

    Third Grade Supply List 15-16

    Following is a list of supplies we would like all students to have:


    q       Crayons

    q       Fiskars Scissors

    q       Glue

    q       School box

    q       Pencil pouch

    q       Erasers- Pearl or cap erasers

    q       50 #2 Pencils

    q       Colored Markers

    q       Permanent Black Marker- fine line

    q       1 pack Dry Erase Markers (black)

    q       2 red pens

    q       2 boxes of Kleenex

    q       1 composition notebook

    q       3 spiral notebooks (red, green, blue)

    q       4 pocket folders (blue, red, green, yellow)

    q       Backpack 

    q       Gym shoes to be kept at school (optional)

    q       Earphones and container for earphones 

    q       Wide rule loose leaf paper


    *Please take all items out of their packages (except pencils and crayons) and place in the school box.


    **Please write your child’s name on all folders, spiral notebooks, scissors, school box, and gym shoes.