Little Miss Muffet
    Sat on a tuffet
    Eating her curds and whey;
    Along came a spider
    Who sat down beside her
    And scared Little Miss Muffet away.

    Little Miss Muffet was a real little girl.  Her father was a spider expert who used to make her eat mashed spiders when she was sick.  About 200 years ago, this was a common cold remedy. (from Spiders by Gail Gibbons)

    Do spiders give you the creeps? Are they scary or friendly? Are they insects?  If not, what are they?  We are going to research spiders to find out these and other answers.


    Your job is to research spiders using internet sites, answer two questions, and create a power point slide that will be part of our class presentation on Spiders. 

     Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion



    A.  Answer the following question:  Are spiders insects?  Why?
    B.  You will answer one of the following questions (assigned by your teacher):
              1.  How small is the smallest spider?
              2.  How big is the largest spider?
              3.  How many different types of spiders are there?
              4. Where are spiders found?
              5.  Do all spiders spin webs?
              6.  What colors are spiders?
              7.  How many eyes does a spider have?
              8.  What are baby spiders called?
              9.  Are spider bites harmful to humans?
            10.  What is a tarantula?
            11.  What is a black widow?
            12.  What do spiders eat?
            13.  How does a spider eat?
            14.  What is a trapdoor spider?
            15.  Who or what are enemies of spiders?
            16.  Do all spiders make silk?
            17.  Why don't spiders stick to their own webs?
            18.  What is molting?
            19.  Which spider is usually bigger - male or female?
            20.  How do spiders walk up walls and across ceilings?

    C.  Make a slide Power Point for the information you found.
          Draw a picture and type the information.  Include background color.





    Spiders by Gail Gibbons
    Outside and Inside Spiders by Sandra Markle
    The Best Book of Bugs by Claire Llewellyn

    Introduction | Task | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion

    Slide Rubric
    Information Required:
    • Student Name
    • Question
    • Answer
    Also include a picture related to your question.
    • Has all required information on slide
    • Information not complete on slide
    • Slide has some information required

    Slide contains colored background, picture,and voice

    • Slide meets requirements
    • Slides meets most requirements
    • Slide meets some requirements
    Use of computer time
    • Good
    • Okay
    • Poor


    By completing this webquest, you have learned that spiders may look scary, but most spiders do not hurt people.  In fact, spiders help people by eating insects that are harmful to plants and people.  You should be able to tell the difference between a spider and an insect.  I hope you enjoyed the webquest.