• Educational Philosophy Snapshot


    ·         Every Child Can Learn

      • Maximize the “teachable moments” that occur each day.
      • Set high and positive expectations in the classroom from day one
      • Includes: surveys to learn about student learning styles, assessments to guide instruction, parent communication, clear expectations and established procedures
      • GOAL: students know what to expect and how to be successful in the classroom; find how the students learn best, meet their needs and develop life-long learners


    ·         Differentiated Instruction

      • Begin lessons where the students are and not with a “one size fits all” attitude
      • Acknowledge each student’s background and learning styles when developing lessons
      • Includes: flexible seating, cooperative groups, paired activities, individual work, interest and tier based centers, anchor activities and variety of assessments
      • GOAL: develop all lessons and activities to provide all students the opportunity to participate and reach their highest potential


    ·         Balanced Approach

      • Mix of direct instruction with class discussion, cooperative learning and independent practice.
      • Includes: textbook reading, lecturing, technology integration (powerpoints, videos, pictures, etc.), debates, literature circles and primary source supplements
      • GOAL: incorporate several instructional methods in order to reach students with various learning styles and provide them with the multiple strategies needed to reach their highest potential


    ·         Inquiry Based Learning

      • Encourage creative problem solving and risk taking
      • Develop a positive learning community and foster communication skills, interpretive abilities and an understanding of issues from a variety of perspectives
      • Includes: research, field work and projects
      • GOAL: Build on a student’s prior knowledge, activate their natural curiosity and guide them into making connections between what they already know, what they are learning and life outside of school.