
    Writer's Workshop

    Students write about things they have experienced during Writer's Workshop. They also create sketches with details that match the words in their story. If students do not know how to spell a word, they can look around the room, in their binders, or stretch out the sounds. We will be working on starting each sentence with a capital letter, ending each sentence with punctuation, and making sure there are spaces between each word.
    These are the steps we use in class to write a masterpiece:
    1. "Think, Think, Think": Think of something that has happened to you or something you have experienced. 
    2. "Touch and Tell": Touch/point to the blank page and say what you are going to write and sketch.
    3. "Sketch": Draw a sketch for each page that goes with the words. Remember to label important parts.
    4. "Write": Write the words to your story. Stretch out unknown words and write what you hear. We are also working on correct spacing between words and capital letters at the beginning of sentences.
    5. If you get done early, you can always add more detail to your writing or sketch.
    Writing Resources and Websites
    Roy the zebra helps students work on capitalization and periods in their writing.

    There are lots of fun grammar and word games on this website.



Last Modified on July 31, 2013