• Hello Guest!
    Welcome to Miss Jolliff's web page!
    Wednesday, July 3, 2024

    Welcome to Joan Martin and to first grade!!!!
    Here you will find information about what's going on in Miss Jolliff's class, as well as many useful links!  Please let me know if you ever find broken links so that I can update or remove them.  If you come across any great educational websites, please feel free to share!
    Miss Jolliff's Contact Info
    phone number: 947-7869, ext. 8548
    email address: jolliffclass followed by @hobart.k12.in.us (I broke it up so I don't get spam mail)
    We are learning so much and we couldn't do it without you!  We have a wish list on the website of things that will help us make learning more fun!
     We need your help!  Save those boxes and wrappers!
    We are collecting words/pictures (together) for our environmental print wall!  Here is a picture of another year's wall to show you what it will look like:

    print wall




    Click here to see what is going on in Mrs. Muller's class!