    Our Wish List
    I am asked frequently if there is anything we need at school.  I am always grateful (and amazed) by the support we receive from our wonderful families!  Here are some things that aren't on the supply list, but are things that we use during Daily 5/Reading/Writing workshops or word works and math activities.  They aren't necessary for learning, but they sure make learning more fun! :) Remember that these make great gifts during the holidays- for those who are so generous and think of me during the holiday season, I really would prefer items for the classroom that I can share with your children! 
    We love technology and want to incorporate it into our lives at school, just as we use it at home! Here are some ways you can help make our reading more authentic and exciting!
    iTunes gift cards- there are so many audiobooks available to go with books we already own in our classroom, ranging from popular picture books to chapter books like Junie B. Jones.  These would be excellent for listen to reading time!
    Barnes and Noble gift cards- We are in the process of ordering NookColors for our classroom to use during listen to reading time.  We could use the gift cards to purchase more NookBooks that can be read to us or that we can read on our own!
    CD/Cassette "Walkman" or mP3 players- Old or new, these would be great for listen to reading time.  Students can choose their own story without having to share, allowing for more fun and concentration!
    We also read the "old-fashioned" way!
    Kids' Magazines- Have any magazines that you are going to get rid of?  We would love to have them donated to the classroom for us to read.  Magazines like Highlights, Ranger Rick, American Girl, Sports Illustrated for Kids, etc. would be great additions to our library!
    We are real authors and we write every day!  Here are some ways to enhance our writing experiences!
    Stationary, greeting cards, invitations, postcards, envelopes, notepads, list paper (think Target $ spot)- We are learning not only to write personal narratives and nonfiction pieces, but also other ways that writing is used in our everyday lives!  We love to write lists for ourselves, letters to family and friends, as well as notes inside of cards.  For those that are tech saavy, we would love cards, stationary, or list paper you design and print for us to use! :)
    Paper lunch bags (brown or white)- we use these to make paper bag puppets, which are so much fun and help us learn sounds! 
    Twizzler Pull-N-Peels- we can use these to make tally marks and shapes in math, or to spell our word wall words.  pull n peels
    Alpha Bits cereal or alphabet crackers- what a fun way to practice our word wall words... and then have a snack!  Meijer has alphabet pretzels... a discovery a parent in our class made- thanks!
    Alphabet stencils or stickers- another fun way to spell.  I haven't been able to find any stencils or stickers with an a that looks like this a rather than this a.
    Scratch and sniff stickers- I am always on the lookout for the newest (or smelliest) scratch and sniff stickers.  They're great motivators.  If you know a good place to get these, let me know!
    Cotton Make-up Pads- we use these as dry erasers.