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    Hello ! Welcome to Rhonda Crouch!

    Name:   Mrs. Crouch
    Email Address: rcrouchclass@hobart.k12.in.us
    School Phone Extension: 8645
    School Phone Number: 942-7263

    I am so impressed with the hard work our students are putting forth and all the growth they have made this year!  Don't forget that this Friday, all book order and field trip $ is due.  Next Wednesday, our t-shirts are due.  Students will make them on Thursday the 21st.
    Week of 5/18
    Mon - Gym
             Nature Walk - wear comfy clothes
     Tues - Pajama Day
                Graduation Pic $ Due
                ZhongHong birthday
    Wed - Library
                Bright Minds visits our class
                T-Shirts due
                Quick, Make a memory Book
                Makayla birthday celebrate 
    Thurs -  Make our T-shirts
                Really Cool Brickies wear sunglasses
                Travis birthday celebrate 
    Fri -  Save the earth rally - wear green
             Myah birthday celebrate
    Mon, May 25 - no school for memorial day 

    Quick Links
                -  Can be done with names, words, letters, numbers,  etc.

                -  Features a new read aloud each month, but you can also pick stories from          other months.

    Mrs. Crouch

Last Modified on May 15, 2015