• homework
    Homework Assignments for Ms. Moore's Class
    Here you will find what your student will be needing assistance with at home.
    In addition to the below homework, we will send home Monthly Reading Logs. Please read to your child 150 pages per month and return the log at the end of each month.  We will also send home Monthly Family Projects.  This is a fun seasonal art activity to be completed together with your child.
    Mondays: Word Wall  Contract page and Math packet
                             Please return by Friday
    Tuesdays:  Pencil Pouches: number, alphabet letter and word wall word practice
                       Please return the following day             
    Wednesdays:  Book Bags come home
                          Please return the following day
    Thursdays: Pencil Pouches: number, alphabet letter and word wall word practice.  Please return the following day
                   Scholastic Magazine: No need to return