School City of Hobart's Future Ready Initiatives
The School City of Hobart is committed to preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship. That's why we've taken the Future Ready pledge! Future Ready is an effort to maximize digital learning opportunities and move toward preparing students for success in college, a career, and citizenship.
The School City of Hobart IS Future Ready and our curriculum and programs support our pledge. Take a look at the many opportunities through STEAM/STEM, which are possible due to anytime, anywhere access of 1:1 technology. In 2014-2015, we are preparing to expand our 1:1 program district-wide so that every student has an opportunity to innovate.
1:1 technology is important to give students anytime, anywhere access to the information they need. This access provides an authentic learning environment where students can participate in personalized learning.
There are so many opportunities in science, technology, engineering, arts, and math in the district. Make sure to take a look at what the PLTW programs are doing with 3d printing, what our elementary and middle school students are doing with robotics, and what all students are doing with coding.
We are preparing students for the future! Through 1:1 technology students are able to work on their college and career plan and develop the skills they need to collaborate, present, and think critically.
It is critical that students create a positive digital footprint, and that takes learning in digital citizenship. Our students create and develop their own digital portfolios while learning about proper digital citizenship and online "branding."
All students are encouraged to be makers and innovators. We provide opportunities for students to show their creativity! Students can build robotics through the Lego Robotics programs in the elementary and middle schools, they can try their hands at 3d printing in the classroom or through the PLTW programs, and elementary students can join Camp Invention in the summer or Invention Club during the school year. Make sure to check out this year's 1st Brickie Maker Faire, too!

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