All Hobart High School students are issued a Lenovo Yoga 11e Chromebook to support the digital curriculum at school. These Chromebooks are built to be durable and supportive in the educational environment. The Yoga 11e acts as both a laptop with a full keyboard and a tablet, providing the appropriate device type no matter what the task.
Lenovo Yoga 11e Chromebook
Multimode Versatility
The Yoga 11e has multimode versatility, allowing it to change between four modes - Stand, Laptop, Tablet, and Tent. The device flips on 360 degrees on its hinges so that it can be changed into whatever mode best suits your needs.
Dragontrail Glass Multitouch Display
The screen is scratch and crack resistant (but not invulnerable!), and supports multitouch commands. Touchscreen capabilities further increase the versatility of this device.
Rugged Construction
The device is incredibly rugged to protect itself from damage to the casting, screen, and internal components.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the charge for Chromebooks?
All Hobart High School students will be assessed $110.00 on book fee statements. This fee covers the cost of the Chromebook rental and curriculum apps. There are no additional book fees unless the student enrolls in certain AP, dual credit, or career courses that have additional book fees. Please review the Textbook Rental Fees for detailed information.
- I already have a device. Can I use mine?
No. In order to keep students protected online, all corporation devices have applied policies and Internet filters. We do not have the ability to manage or fully filter personal devices.
- Do I keep my Chromebook on breaks and over the summer?
Students take their Chromebooks home with them every day, over weekends, and on regular breaks scheduled during the school year. They will be collected at the end of the school year and kept by the corporation over the summer in order to do maintenance and updates. Students will receive the same Chromebook the following school year. Students may be issued their Chromebooks for summer use if they are attending summer school courses that require device use.
- How long will I have a Chromebook?
Students will have their Chromebooks for the length of their time at Hobart High School. If a student received a device as a 9th grader, that student will have the same device for all 4 years, or until the corporation switches devices for any reason. The Chromebooks will be turned in to the corporation at the end of a student's 12th grade year, or at the time of withdrawal from school.
- I don't have Internet at home. How can I use my Chromebook to do homework?
We are aware that not all students have access to the Internet outside of school. As a result, teachers provide curriculum that can be done in "offline mode" when necessary so that the device can still be used even when the Internet is not available.
Also see Comcast's Internet Essentials offer - an affordable Internet package available to low-income homes.

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