Colin May
942-8521 x 8154World History, AP US HistoryWorld History emphasizes events and developments in the past that greatly affected large numbers of people across broad areas of the earth and that significantly influenced peoples and places in subsequent eras. Students will be expected to practice skills and processes of historical thinking and inquiry that involve chronological thinking, comprehension, analysis and interpretation, research, issues-analysis, and decision-making. They are expected to compare and contrast events and developments involving diverse peoples and civilizations in different regions of the world.AP US History covers all Academic Standards with emphasis on critical thinking and writing. Students are prepared for the AP examination in May by covering colonial America before 1763, The Era of the American Revolution, The New Nation, Jackson and the West, Coming of the Civil War, Civil War, and Reconstruction, Growth of Industrial America, Populists, and Progressives, World War I, World War II, the Post-War Period, the Cold War and after, 1945-present day. Oral presentations, and relevant videos supplement the text.