Guillermina Freytes
Hobart High School Spanish TeacherSpanish Club Co-sponsorContact Info-freytesclass@hobart.k12.in.us(219) 942-8521 x8120¡Bienvenidos!
I have been teaching at Hobart High School for six years. I am from a Hispanic family of three older sisters and four younger brothers. I am also the mother of three beautiful girls, Kimimela and White-Snow Cornejo, and Isabela Freytes. We enjoy spending time with family and friends, riding bikes, jumping on the trampoline, and swimming.I graduated from East Chicago Central High School in 1995. I then went into the Air Force active duty for four years. After that, I went to Purdue University Calumet and graduated in 2006.
I co-sponsor Spanish Club with Señora Hammer.