• Welcome to Mr. Krieg's English Class



    Mr. Krieg’s 2011-2012 Syllabus for English 9

    1st 9 weeks

    Focus = Understanding what a story is, how to dissect it & how to comprehend it

    Tools = Short Stories, video/song adaptations & poems

    1.  Go over Class Procedures and have students sign contract along with parents/guardians
    2.  Introduce Self as well as students / Name Game - Power Point
    3.  Go over Goals/Expectations
         -Activity:  Without giving names, discuss characteristics of best & worst
    4.  Give students an overview of Class Structure and Components of this class
        -Grammar/Punctuation/Sentence Structure
        -Different kinds of language
        -Oral communication
        -Thinking/Listening Skills
    5.  Pass out Lit Books and talk with students about INTASC Standards & how they are
        incorporated into this class
    6.  Talk with students about ECA 10 Test
    7.  Ask the students: What is a Story?
        -Students define/brainstorm
        -How communication medium impacts story
        -Where have they been?
        -Where are they now?
        -Where are they going?
        -The Dilemma: Print vs. Media Culture
        -Sensory details
     8.  Smekens: Guide to Reading Comprehension: Thinking Voice vs Reading Voice vs
         Distraction Voice & Stoplight Approach - Puzzle pieces comparison
     9.  Understanding the Elements of a Story
    10.  Application & Practice: Elements of a Story in Children’s Literature, TV, Movies, Music,
          Dance, Art, Nature, etc.
          - Little Red Riding Hood A Newfangled Prairie Tale
    11. The Interlopers (Lit Book)
              A.  The Interlopers PPT Introduction – Google Docs
              B.  Go over Plot Diagram and fill out
               C.  Literary Elements:

    -Conflict:  internal, external, man vs. man, man vs. nature, man vs.

                                          society, man vs. fate, man vs. self.

    -Theme: Stated vs. Implied.  




    D.  Vocabulary:  Precipitous, Acquiesced, Marauders, Exasperation, Pious, Retorted, Condolences, Languor, Reconciliation, Succor, Wrested, Quarry, Interloper

    E.  Identifying Causes and Effects worksheet

    F. Conflict worksheet

    G.  Test

    H.  Youtube Adaptations



    12.  The Hatfields & McCoys (handout)
          A. Hatfield & McCoys Intro 2 PPTs
          B.  Talk about family feuds and conflict
          C.  Literary Terms: Allusion & Inference

          D.  Test
          E.  Youtube Adaptations

    Background of Feud 5 minutes


    Background of Feud 8 minutes


    Dance Off 4 minutes


    Disney Adaptation the Martins and McCoys 7 minutes


    Family Feud Game Show


    13.  Intro to Edgar Alan Poe (Handout/PPT/Online)
          A. PPT

    14.  The Cask of Amontillado (Lit Book)
          A. Vocab- carnival, flambeaux, amontillado, niter, carnem levare, cask, lent, motley,
          B. Setting, key characters, dramatic irony, characterization, mood, unreliable vs.
              reliable narrator
          C. Historical elements
          D. Test
          E.  Youtube Adaptations

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qhOE4_oKQWI   9 minutes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VRUnc2sAKNU&feature=related 10 minute animated

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDdxpxb3l-Y&feature=related 10 minutes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nrrIm4ozbUc&feature=related 5 minute long song

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LBC7Rown13Q Play without sound on

    15.  The Tell-Tale Heart
    1. Youtube Adaptations

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j_yE0h75LvA&feature=related  2 minutes long

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJ6hFARqf0A&feature=related  Spongebob 2 minutes long

      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WmyFXxqLZX8&feature=fvst 8 minutes long

    16.  Annabel Lee

    A.  Youtube Adaptations

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=swrriM1vuk8&feature=related 3 minutes long

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsXrQlyDd1k&feature=related 2 minutes long

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ecfVIt641n0&feature=related  2 minutes long

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_VL7WRyir0  6 minutes stevie nicks adaptation

    17.  The Black Cat (Handout)

          A.  Read and Annotate
          B.  Visualization activity with creation of storyboard - Partners
          C.  Youtube Adaptations

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_PMJpmCYtM 10 minutes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vv8S2K06H8&feature=related  4 minutes

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x5iC6tTdw9M&feature=related  4 minutes animated

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7v0vooX1Gc&feature=related  2 minutes trailer

    18.  The Most Dangerous Game (Lit Book)

          A.  Game Intro PPT/Pre-reading questions worksheet
          B.  Literary Element: Figurative language
          C.  Plot Diagram worksheet
          D.  Literary Terms: Suspense, Exposition, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action,
               Resolution, Foreshadowing, conflict & context clues
          E.  Figurative Language (handout)
          F.  Figurative Language Quiz (handout)
          G.  How Fear Works Fight-or-Flight handout by Julia Layton (handout)
          H.  Most Dangerous Game Quiz (handout)
           I.  Most Dangerous Game Writing Assignment (handout) & Grammar 101 –
              Independent & Dependent Clauses, 4 Big Kinds of Sentences – simple,
              compound, complex & compound complex), Fragments & Run-ons. Conjunctions
              – coordinating (song), subordinating (song) & adverb conjunctions.  
          J.  Most Dangerous Game Map Drawing
    1. Vocabulary terms:  disarming, imprudent, impulse, receding, surmounted,    

         invariably, protruding, diverting, prolonged

    19.  Figurative Language Activity: Songs and Rap Creation - How I Met Your Mother “Spoiler Alert” 2007

    2nd 9 weeks

    Focus = Reading Comprehension of longer texts, understanding roles in a group, symbolism, understanding literal & figurative language

    Tools = “Speak”, I Am Poem, Tree Project, “Speak” Body Biography Assignment)

    1. “I AM” Poem
    2. Questions to ask if you really want to know somebody Activity
    3. Tree Project – Creating a tree that symbolizes YOU
    4. “Speak” Reading
    1. Speak Intro plus Symbolism PPT
    2. Reading split up into sections
    3. Each section has Pre-Reading questions/activities & during reading questions
    4. Quizzes for each Reading Section
    5. Speak 4 PPT group presentation
    6. Smekens & QAR with Speak 5 PPT
    1. Speak Body Biography Group Project (Emphasis on Symbolism, Characterization & working with others)
    2. Final Exam Preparation & Notes
    3. Final Exam

    3rd 9 weeks

    Focus= learning literary terms, eliminating writer’s block, understanding elements involved in writing a persuasive literary response, paragraphing, organization, thesis statements, transitions, MLA citation rules, understanding the structure and organization of writing & learning how to edit/revise

    Tools= Differing related activities, Speak paper outline, conferencing & peer editing

    1. INTASC Literary Terms (Tests will be throughout remaining semester)
    2. Bust the Prompt PPT, Activity & Quiz
    3. Creative Writing 101 PPT & Squiggle Activity
    4. Review on Independent & Dependent Clauses, 4 Big Kinds of Sentences – simple, compound, complex & compound complex), Fragments & Run-ons. Conjunctions – coordinating (song), subordinating (song) & adverb conjunctions.  
    5. Traits of Writing Activity – Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Sentence Fluency, Conventions
    6. Google Docs 101
    7. Begin Speak Paper
    1. Brainstorm characteristics of the four seasons & characteristics of Melinda throughout her progression
    2. Discussion of how the four seasons could be symbolic of the transition that Melinda has gone through.
    3. Brainstorm and find quotes on how the seasons (summer, fall, winter & spring) could be symbolic of the transition Melinda has gone through.  
    4. Discuss and practice:  Direct Quotes, Summaries & Paraphrasing.  
    5. Discuss MLA citation rules
    6. Speak Outline (handout)
    7. Introduction – Speak Intro PPT

    -1st sentence (author’s last name, title of the book, and setting of the story)

    -4 sentence summary of what happens in Speak (follow somebody/wanted/but/so/then approach from Smekens)

    -Thesis Statement:  3 components = topic of paper, specific position you are taking & roadmap which outlines the order that you will take in your paper

               H.  Discussion of paragraphs
         -Topic Sentence
         -Inclusion of quotes, summaries & paraphrases into your writing
                    -Importance of putting quotes into context and explaining how they fit into
                     your argument
    1. Work on Body Paragraphs (Summer, Fall, Winter & Spring)
    1.  Discussion on Conclusion Paragraphs & Writing Conclusion

    -Flipped Thesis Statement

    -Making final remarks and commenting on what has been said in essay

    -Leaving your reader with something to chew on

              K.  Revision/Editing
                     -Changing Reader’s Plane & Read Aloud (Smekens)
                     -Editing Checklist
              L.  Peer Edit/Revise
        8.  “Speak” Film Adaptation

    4th 9 weeks

    Focus = Practice & Application of what has been learned, learning how to read and comprehend plays, public speaking/acting

    Tools = PPTs, Online Resources, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”, “Of Mice and Men”, Exit PPT

    1. Discussion on how the story experience changes when reading a play
    2. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Introduction PPT
    3. Reading of “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”
    4. “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest” Group Presentation
    5. Introduction to “Of Mice and Men”
    6. Reading of “Of Mice and Men”
    7. “Of Mice and Men” Exam
    8. “Of Mice and Men” Film Adaptation
    9. Exit Presentation on what you have learned this year and what you will take away from what we have done.  
    10. ECA Test Prep - Smekens
    11. Final Exam Preparation & Note cards
    12. Final Exam