I am originally from Lafayette, Indiana and moved to Northern Indiana to attend St. Joseph's College in Rensselear. I graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Biochemistry and Secondary Education. I first taught at Tri-County Middle School in Wolcott, Indiana for two years before taking the high school science position at Hobart.I would say that I have a very hectic schedule between teaching, coaching science bowl, and taking care of two young children, Jak and Abigail, who are both very active and energetic. I have a very supportive husband, Kris, who shares my love of science and nature.
I like to stay involved with current science technology and have participated in a variety of different workshops and organizations. I have been a PRISM Teacher Leader, a participant for the National Center for Learning and Teaching Nanoscale Science, and a participant for Standards Based Integrated Science Instruction Program. I am currently piloting the new Project Lead the Way Biomedical Science Program here at Hobart.
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