•                                                  Discipline Plan


    Mr. Muffoletto


    1st Offense: Verbal Warning- Discuss what the offense was, why it was offensive and future consequences.


    Documented- The student, date, and time will be documented by the

    teacher with a brief description of what occurred and how it was handled.



    2nd Offense: Verbal Reprimand- Explain what the offense was, why it was offensive as well as the consequences for the offense.


    Detention-The student will spend time alone at the desired time of the teacher.


    Telephone call- The teacher will call the student’s parent or responsible party and explain the first and second offense that occurred as well as the action taken.

    Documented- The student, date, and time will be documented by the teacher with a brief description of what occurred and how it was handled.


    3rd Offense: Notification- An administrator will be notified of the situation with a referral.


                         Telephone call- The teacher will call the student’s parent or responsible party and explain the first and second offense the occurred as well as the action taken.


                         Documented- The student, date, and time will be documented by the teacher with a brief description of what occurred and how it was handled.




    **If extreme circumstances of misbehavior occur, an immediate referral of the student to an administrator will take place.